Advisors, lines and research projects




On this page you will find the program advisors, as well as a brief description of their research lines and contact addresses.






           CHRISTIANE BERTACHINI LOMBELLO:  Evaluation of cytotoxicity applied to biomaterials. 

          Line of research in the Program: Medical Devices.

          Email: christiane.lombello@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 336, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6343



    Daniel Boari Coelho: Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology, Biomechanics. Motor Control

   Line of research in the Program: Biomechanics, Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies.

          Email: daniel.boari@ufabc.edu.br

          Room:742-1, A Block, Campus Santo André

          Phone: +55 11 4996.8290



    Daniel Papoti: instrumentation for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, development of radiofrequency coils and preamplifiers for MRI.

   Line of research in the Program: Medical Devices.

          Email: daniel.papoti@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 359, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6363




    Diogo Coutinho Soriano: Biomedical signal processing, brain-machine interface, computational neuroscience.

  Line of research in the Program: Computational Systems Applied to Health.

          Email: diogo.soriano@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 335, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6342


           Erick Dario Leon Bueno de Camargo: Electrical impedance tomography, inverse problems, modeling and simulation.

          Line of research in the Program: Medical Devices. 

          Email: erick.leon@ufabc.edu.br

          Room:  351, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6357


            Fernanda Nascimento Almeida: Data science application for knowledge generation in large volumes of biological data: acquisition, integration and analysis of electronic health records.

          Line of research in the program: Computacional Systems Applied to Health.

          Email: fernanda.almeida@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 380, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo




   Fernando Silva de Moura: Electrical impedance tomography, inverse problems, stochastic estimation, control and dynamics.

   Line of research in the Program: Computational Systems Applied to Health.

          Email: fernando.moura@ufabc.edu.br

          Room:321, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6329


   Harki Tanaka: Use of wireless technology in disease diagnosis and treatment.

  Line of research in the Program: Computational Systems Applied to Health.

          Email: harki.tanaka@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 321, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone:  +55 11 2320.6329


   Ilka Tiemy Kato Prates: Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, low-intensity light therapy.

  Line of research in the Program: Medical Devices.

          Email: ilka.kato@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 382, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6384


   João Loures Salinet Jr.: Experience in Biomedical Engineering, with emphasis on Bioengineering, working mainly on the following topics: 1) Electrical activity of the heart and 2) Brain Self-regulation. The focus of the work is mainly in the areas of physiological signal processing, instrumentation, electrophysiology and cardiovascular physiology.

  Line of research in the Program: Computational Systems Applied to Health.

          Email: joao.salinet@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 335, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6342



   Marcos Duarte: Biomechanics, motor control, instrumentation for human movement analysis, human movement modeling and simulation.

          Line of research in the Program: Biomechanics, Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies.

          Email: marcos.duarte@ufabc.edu.br

          Room:359, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6363



   Olavo Luppi Silva: Electrical Impedance Tomography Applied to the Musculoskeletal System, Electrical Impedance Myography, Bioimpedance, Biomedical Instrumentation, Biomechanics of Dance, Pilates and Cycling.

   Line of research in the Program: Medical Devices.

          Email: olavo.luppi@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 351, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6357




    Patrícia Aparecida da Ana: High and Low Power Lasers in therapeutic procedures; optical diagnosis; Spectroscopy; Optical coherence tomography.

  Line of research in the Program: Medical Devices.


          Room: 312, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6321





    Priscyla Waleska Targino de Azevedo Simões: Biomedical Informatics, Telemedicine and Telehealth, Decision Support Systems, and Health Technology Assessment (Meta-analysis and Cost-effectiveness Studies).

   Line of research in the Program: Computational Systems Applied to Health.

          Email: priscyla.simoes@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 738-1, A Block, Campus SAnto André

          Phone: +55 11 4996.8286


    Reginaldo Kisho Fukuchi: Gait Biomechanics, Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation.

   Line of research in the Program: Biomechanics, Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies.

          Email: reginaldo.fukuchi@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 327, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6335



    Renato Naville Watanabe: Motor Control, Biomechanics of human movement, modeling and simulation of human movement.

   Line of research in the Program: Biomechanics, Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. 

          Email: renato.watanabe@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 336, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6343


    Sônia Maria Malmonge: Biomaterials, tissue engineering, hydrogels and bioresorbable polymers, micro and nano hydrogels.

  Line of research in the Program: Medical Devices. 

          Email: sonia.malmonge@ufabc.edu.br

          Room: 378, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

          Phone: +55 11 2320.6380






  Fabio Luiz Franceschi Godinho: Neurophysiology and Neurosurgery for Pain, movement disorders and spasticity.

   Line of research in the Program: Computational Systems Applied to Health. 

   Email: godinho.f1@gmail.com







   Juliana Kelmy Macário Barboza Daguano: Ceramic and composite biomaterials, Biomaterials for bone and dental restoration, In vitro evaluations.

   Line of research in the Program: Medical Devices. 

   Email: juliana.daguano@ufabc.edu.br

   Room: 379, Delta Block, Campus São Bernardo do Campo

   Phone: +55 11 2320.638





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