English proficiency



According to the Internal Rules (Regimento Interno) of PPGEBM, English language proficiency is required for the qualification exam. 


Since 2021, there are two possibilities for obtaining English language proficiency, according to Ordinance 1684/2021


1 - Through the evaluation carried out in English language institutes recognized by the PPGEBM; 


2 - Through the application of a test by the advisor. 




Assessment carried out in English language institutes recognized by the PPGEBM:  


Students may take the test at one of the following institutes: 


-  TOEFL or ITP-TOEFL: At least 460 points

-  TOEFL Computer Based Test – 160 points
-  TOEFL  Internet Based Test – 60 points
-  IELTS (International English Language Test) – At least 6.5
-  TEAP: At least 50 points
-  CAMBRIDGE: At least 176 points 
-  TOEIC: At least 495 ppoints

-  DUOLINGO: at least 95 points 




Students who meet any of the above criteria in the last 4 years must apply for recognition of Language Proficiency, using the appropriate form available on the UFABC PROPG site (attaching the appropriate certificate) and deliver in the student service sector, in the postgraduate secretary. Other certificates can be accepted by consulting the PPGEBM coordination via email ppgebm@ufabc.edu.br.



Assessment performed by the advisor

Alternatively, the advisor may apply a test to his mentee, under the following conditions:


I - The assessment must be applied in a place (remote or in person) and a date defined by the advisor;
II - The advisor has the autonomy to apply the type of assessment he/she deems most necessary;
III - The advisor is responsible for preparing the student's certificate of proficiency.


Students who get at least 50% of the questions right will be considered proficient in English. Obviously, this test is only valid for the PPGEBM and we will not provide a certificate of proficiency.






After obtaining the certificate of proficiency, the student must send the "PROFICIENCY APPLICATION FORM", available at this link, duly completed and signed by the student and their supervisor, together with the certificate or certificate of proficiency, to the email ppgebm@ufabc.edu.br



 Suggestion of study material


- Examples of questions in https://www.ets.org/pt/toefl/ibt/prepare/.


- Books (all these books are available at the UFABC library). 

-  Lougheed, Lin. Direct to TOEFL iBT : student’s book. 2013

-  Fellag, L. R. Northstar : Building skills for the TOEFL iBT Advanced.2006

-  Sólorzano, H. S. Northstar : Building skills for the TOEFL iBT High Intermediate 2006
-  Beaumont, J. Northstar : Building skills for the TOEFL iBT intermediate 2006
-  Official guide to the TOEFL iTP test 2014
-  Sharpe, P. J. Pass key to the TOEFL / 4. ed. 2001
-  Phillips, D. Preparation course for the TOEFL test : iBT 2006
-  The official guide to the toefl test / 4. ed.2012
-  TOEFL iBT Tips : How to prepare for the next generation TOEFL test and Communicate with Confidence. 2006.



English language proficiency – 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was not possible to apply the English language proficiency test by the PPGEBM in 2020.



English Language Proficiency – 2019

Regular PPGEBM students who have not yet proven English language proficiency can take the test that will be applied by PPGEBM.

  • Date: November 29, 2019 (Friday), 1:00 – 3:00 pm.

  • Location: Alpha1 – S102, São Bernardo do Campo Campus.

  • It is mandatory to present an identification document to take the test (RA or RG).

  • Students who get at least 60% of the questions right will be considered proficient in English.

  • The test will consist of questions in English, similar to a TOEFL test, from basic to intermediate level. See sample questions at https://www.ets.org/pt/toefl/ibt/prepare/. 

  • Obviously, this test is only valid for the PPGEBM and we will not provide a certificate of proficiency.


Dismissal Criteria

  • TOEFL or ITP-TOEFL: minimum of 460 points.
    TOEFL Computer Based Test – 160 points
    TOEFL Internet Based Test – 60 points
    IELTS (International English Language Test) – 6.5

Students who meet any of the above criteria in the last 4 years must apply for Language Proficiency, using the appropriate form (attaching the appropriate certificate) and deliver it to the student service sector, at the PROPG secretary.


Enrolled students

  • Aline de Almeida Ferreira
  • Ana Clara Castro
  • André Morillha Duarte
  • Camila Campos Santos
  • Cláudio Ricardo Hehl Forjaz
  • Edson Rodrigues
  • Karina Feliciano Santos
  • Larissa Mayumi
  • Leandro Jussek
  • Leonardo Alves Ferreira
  • Thiago Neri



Student Right answers (from  25 questions) Utilization (%) Result
Aline de Almeida Ferreira 20 80 APPROVED
Ana Clara Castro 0 0 DISAPPROVED
André Morillha Duarte 17 68 APPROVED
Camila Campos Santos 16 64 APPROVED
Cláudio Ricardo Hehl Forjaz 12 48 DISAPPROVED
Edson Rodrigues 16 64 APPROVED
Karina Feliciano Santos 10 40 DISAPPROVED
Larissa Mayumi 20 80 APPROVED
Leandro Jussek 0 0 DISAPPROVED
Leonardo Alves Ferreira 23 92 APPROVED
Thiago Neri 0 0 DISAPPROVED



For information about the tests applied in years prior to 2019, please consult the program's old website, available in this link

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