



Until 2019, the self-assessment process of the PPGEBM of UFABC was exclusively carried out through:


1 - Report of the previous quadrennial evaluation carried out by CAPES;


2 - Evaluation report of the UFABC Assessment Committee (CPA-UFABC), carried out annually with professors, technical-administrative staff and students (https://www.ufabc.edu.br/administracao/comissoes/cpa/relatorios);


3 - Annual reports on the consolidation of professors, programs, data sent from the collection and Qualis of bibliographic production available on CAPES' SUCUPIRA platform;


4 - Evaluation of professors for accreditation and re-accreditation in the program;


5 - Semiannual meetings with the course plenary, comparing the numbers of the PPGEBM-UFABC with the numbers of other PPGs in the Engineering IV area, in addition to the presentation, discussion and outline of future goals considering the documents mentioned in the previous topics;


6 - Presentation at a plenary meeting of reports of the evaluations of the subjects carried out by the students and suggestions for improvements, if any.



In 2020, in particular because of the coronavirus pandemic and adaptations of classroom teaching for remote learning, institutional assessments were also carried out with teachers and students to monitor and improve teaching strategies in the four-month period taught in the form of Continuing Emergency Studies - ECE (LINK) and Supplementary four-month period - QS (LINK).  


The report produced by CPA-UFABC is based on the annual application of electronic forms to professors and students of the PPGs, which are developed by the CPA's pedagogical team and evaluated by the statistical team of the aforementioned commission. The reports prepared by the teams of the Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation of Continued Emergency Studies (ECE) and of the Supplementary Quadrimesters (QS) were also based on electronic forms applied via Google Forms to professors, students and technical-administrative servers; however, these instruments were adapted to capture the perception of remote teaching methods, difficulties faced during the pandemic and possibilities for solutions.


Certainly, these assessment instruments helped a lot in the actions taken by the PPGEBM-UFABC in recent years, especially in 2020, when many adaptations were necessary considering the pandemic. However, according to the Report of the Working Group "Self-Assessment and Graduate Programs" (LINK) which dealt with the importance and instructions for the Self-Assessment of Graduate Programs, it was necessary to establish a self-assessment system of the PPGEBM -UFABC, in order to guide the strategic planning of the PPGEBM in the short and long term.







According to the Ordinance 1563/2021, the 2021 commission is composed of:


  • Prof. Marcos Duarte (president)
  • Prof. Patricia Aparecida da Ana
  • Prof. Christiane Bertachini Lombello
  • Prof. Priscyla Waleska Targino de Azevedo Simões





According to the PPGEBM Self-Assessment Project (LINK), the commission developed specific questionnaires by category of respondents: students, graduates, professors and staff.


In general terms, the questionnaires were organized into sections, such as: aspects involving professors and students; academic and professional performance (only for students and graduates); vision of the PPGEBM-UFABC; service and infrastructure; aspects about the working environment (only for employees). Questions should be answered using a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaires were sent online (Google Forms) to the community to be filled out anonymously.


The questionnaires contained a total of 66 questions divided into: 22 questions for the students category, 25 for the graduates category, 13 for the professors category and 6 for the technicians category. In general terms, the questionnaires were organized in sections, such as: aspects involving professor/advisor and student/advisor; teaching and student activities; academic and professional performance (only for students); insight into PPG; service and infrastructure.



The questionnaires applied had the following numbers of people consulted and of returns:

Students: 29 completed questionnaires from 46 people consulted (63%);


Graduates: 32 completed questionnaires from 60 people consulted (53%);


Professors: 17 completed questionnaires from 22 people consulted (77%);


Technicians: 4 completed questionnaires from 6 people consulted (67%).




The vast majority of responses from students, graduates, professors and technicians were positive (that is, on the Likert scale, most responses were 'agree' and 'completely agree'). Of the 66 questions, only 6 of them had more than 10% of responses as 'disagree' and 'totally disagree', which are described below:





1 - The Graduate Program website (http://www.propg.ufabc.edu.br/ppgebm) has relevant information for students and professors. 10.3% disagree;


2 - The lines of research and disciplines offered by the Graduate Program are current, integrated and adequately cover the topics of the concentration area. 10.3% disagree;


3 - The Graduate Program has a teaching staff with a sufficient number of professors to meet the teaching and research demands of their graduate training. 10.3% disagree.






1 - The Graduate Program has adequate infrastructure for students, such as classrooms and study rooms, laboratories, library and computer resources. 11.8% disagree;


2 - Students are encouraged to participate in events and scientific exchanges in order to disseminate the knowledge produced. 11.8% disagree;


3 - The distribution of your workload between classes in undergraduate, graduate, research and administrative activities is well sized for the proper exercise of your tasks in the Graduate program. 23.5% disagree.



The full Self-Assessment Report is available on this LINK






According to the Ordinance 2269/2022, the 2022 commission is composed of:


  • Prof. Marcos Duarte (president)
  • Prof. Patricia Aparecida da Ana
  • Prof. Reginaldo Kisho Fukuchi





In Progress.

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