Professor Accreditation and Re-accreditation


The composition of the professors staff of the Postgraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering (PPGEBM) at UFABC complies with the following regulations:

1.  Ordinance CAPES 174 (set/2014);

2. Resolution CONSEPE 203 (jan/2016).


The accreditation of professors for the PPGEBM occurs in a continuous way. 


The Accreditation and Re-accreditation of Professors is regulated by Ordinance PROPG 1308/2020, available HERE                             


During 2021, due to the problems caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic, Re-accreditation is also governed by PROPG Ordinance 1737/2021, which provides for transitional rules for the evaluation of re-accreditation requests, effective from May 28, 2021 to May 27, 2022. This ordinance is available HERE







According to Ordinance 1308/2020, to request ACCREDITATION at PPGEBM-UFABC, the interested professor must send a request to the Program Coordination by e-mail ppgebm@ufabc.edu.br, and attach the following documents: 


I - Cover letter, which contains the motivations and areas of interest at the PPG-EBM, as well as the explicit indication of connection (permanent professor, collaborator or visitor);

II - Indication of which discipline(s) may teach, considering the disciplines contained in the PPGEBM catalogue, or the proposal of a new discipline;

III - Lattes curriculum updated;


IV - Research project(s) developed or in progress by the professor, at the time of accreditation request;

V - Work plan prepared according to the intention of the area of activity and line of research to be developed at PPGEBM;

VI - The applicant must join one of the research groups (directory of CNPq research groups) linked to UFABC and to the Program's area of action, with professors and students from PPGEBM;

VII - Inform whether it is part of another Graduate Program and, if so, describe the type of link, program area and total number of students in course;

VIII - Have a successful candidate in the selection process for admission to the PPGEBM Masters.





Also in accordance with Ordinance 1308/2020, all permanent professors must apply for Accreditation every two years, by submitting curriculum lattes and requesting the coordination. The criteria for the first re-accreditation are: 


I - Permanent professors and collaborators must participate in a research group (CNPq) linked to UFABC and the program's area of operation, with professors and students of the program also participating;

II - Permanent professors must be responsible for at least one PPGEBM discipline;

III - Permanent professors must teach at least one discipline every 2 (two) years (disciplines taught together with another PPGEBM professor are allowed);

IV - Have completed or are in progress 1 (one) orientation / coorientation, at least;

V - Prove participation in at least 1 research project with public or private funding or grant from a development agency in the last 48 (forty-eight) months. Grants from the PPGEBM quota or funded by UFABC will not be considered;

VI - Publish at least 4 (four) scientific and / or technological productions in the last 4 (four) years, with at least 1 (one) publication in indexed periodicals, Qualis A and B extract from the "Engenharias IV" committee; 


a) At least 1 (one) publication in indexed journals, Qualis A or B extract from the "Engenharias IV" committee;

b) Other productions can be: complete works in scientific congress annals, articles in periodicals, deposited patents, registered patents, books and book chapters in the area of interest of the PPGEBM.



For the second re-accreditation, and subsequent re-accreditation, permanent professors must comply with items I to IV above and:


I - Having completed or being in progress 2 (two) orientations / co-orientations, in the last 48 months;

II - Prove participation in a research project with public or private funding or grant from a funding agency in the last 4 (four) years. Grants from the PPGEBM quota or financed by UFABC will not be considered;

III - Carry out at least 4 (four) scientific and technological productions in the last 4 (four) years, with co-authorship of the student and / or graduate of PPGEBM, being:

a) At least 2 (two) publications in indexed journals, Qualis A1, A2, B1 or B2 extract from the "Engenharias IV" committee, with at least one being co-authored by a student of the program;

b) Other productions can be: complete works in scientific congress annals, articles in periodicals, deposited patents, registered patents, books and book chapters in the area of interest of the PPGEBM.



In 2021, Ordinance 1727 regulates that:


1 - For the request for the first re-accreditation, five of the six requirements provided for in Article 10, items I, II, III, IV, V and VI of Ordinance PROPG 1308/2020 will be allowed


2 - For the request for second re-accreditation, the fulfillment of six of the seven requirements provided for in Article 10, items I, II, III and IV, of PROPG Ordinance 1308/2020, and in Article 11, items I, II and III, will be allowed






2020: Professor Daniel Papoti (Service Bulletim 1017 - Available HERE). 







Third re-accreditation of professors Christiane B. Lombello, Diogo Coutinho Soriano, Harki Tanaka, Juliana K. M. F. Daguano, Marcos Duarte, Patricia A. da Ana and Sonia Maria Malmonge 

Evaluation Committee (Ordinance 1400 of 2020): Diogo Coutinho Soriano, Harki Tanaka and Juliana K. M. F. Daguano 

Approved on the 1st.Ordinary meeting of the CoPG-EBM 2021, held on February 25, 2021.  

Published in Service Bulletin n. 1035 of March 30, 2021, available HERE.



1. First re-accreditation of Professor Fernando Silva de Moura

    Evaluation Committee  (Ordinance 1606 de 2021): Patricia A. da Ana, Marcos Duarte and Christiane B. Lombello

    Approved on the 3rd. Ordinary Meeting of the CoPG-EBM 2021, held on April 29, 2021.

    Published in Service Bulletin 1052 of May 25, 2021, available HERE.


2. Second re-accreditation of Andréa Cecília Dorion Rodas and Ilka Tiemy Kato Prates; First re-accreditation of Erick Leon Bueno de Camargo

   Evaluation Committee (Ordinance 1606 of 2021): Patricia A. da Ana, Marcos Duarte and Christiane B. Lombello.

   Approved on the 5th. Ordinary Meeting of the CoPG-EBM 2021, held on June 24, 2021.


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