Seminars and Events



In this section, you can find a list of all events organized by PPGEBM, among which seminars and webinars are included, as well as main information related to the EBM 127 Discipline - Seminars in Biomedical Engineering.


 Although all webinars were given in Portuguese, on YouTube it is possible to view them with English subtitles.











The Master's Course in Biomedical Engineering at UFABC - Profs. Patricia A. da Ana, Christiane B. Lombello and João Loures Salinet Jr. Link
















 The second cycle of PPGEBM seminars had the following guests and themes: 


1 - Application of numerical methods in the analysis and design of prostheses and orthotics - Prof. Ronny Calixto Carbonari, UFABC. Link


2 - Research and innovation in optical dosimetry - Prof. Luciano Bachmann, FFCLRP - USP. Link


3 - Open Science Data - Prof. Marcos Duarte, Vice-coordenador do PPGEBM-UFABC. Link


4 - Fluid dynamics simulation applied to Biomedical Engineering - Prof. João Lameu da Silva Jr, UFABC. Link


5 - Applications in computer vision and machine learning - Prof. Maysa M. G. de Macedo, IBM. Link


6 - Principles of Electromyography - Prof. Olavo Luppi Silva, PPGEBM-UFABC. Link


7 - Aging and Biomechanics of Gait: Considerations for Rehabilitation - Prof. Reginaldo Kisho Fukuchi, PPGEBM-UFABC. Link


8 - Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine - Profa. Sonia Maria Malmonge, PPGEBM - UFABC. Link


9 -  Identification of Electrophysiological Correlates of Parkinson's Disease - Prof.  Diogo Coutinho Soriano, PPGEBM - UFABC. Link


10 -  Electrical Impedance Tomography - Prof. Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo, PPGEBM-UFABC. Link


11 -  Biomechanics of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease - Prof. Daniel Boari Coelho, PPGEBM-UFABC. Link















In 2020, in view of the need to offer activities in remote form due to the Covid-19 pandemic, PPGEBM offered the 1st. PPGEBM Integrated Seminar Cycle, which consisted of a series of 15 webinars with renowned researchers in the field of Biomedical Engineering, who work in different lines of research.


This activity aimed to expand the knowledge of the program's students in different themes related to Biomedical Engineering, as well as to envision future research partnerships.


The Webinars were broadcast live weekly on the PPGEBM-UFABC YouTube channel and are available on this link



Below are the links to the webinars.


















Information about the seminars offered in person, in the years prior to 2020, can be found on the program's old website. 





  • Here, information about the EBM 127 Discipline – Seminars I in Biomedical Engineering is available.


  • Presentation and discussion of contemporary scientific knowledge involving lines of research in biomedical engineering in the form of seminars with the aim of deepening students' scientific knowledge on modern topics.


1 time a year, usually in the third quarter.

  Regulation for the discipline offered in person

1 - The student must attend at least 12 hours of seminars and deliver to the professor a critical review of each seminar attended. This review aims to develop the student's scientific criticism, so it must contain a description of the topic addressed and the student's critical opinion about the method used, the results presented and its analysis.



2 - Will be characterized as seminars:


- Scientific dissemination lectures that take place at any UFABC event;

- Defenses of undergraduate work of students from the Undergraduate Course in Biomedical Engineering at UFABC;

- Qualifying exams in any of the UFABC postgraduate programs;

- the dissertation defenses of the UFABC postgraduate programs;

- Thesis defenses of the UFABC postgraduate programs.


3 - Each Lecture Hour of scientific dissemination is equivalent to 1 hour of attended seminar.


4 - Each Graduation work Defense is equivalent to 1 hour of attended seminar.


5 - Each qualifying exam is equivalent to 1 hour of attended seminar.


6 - Each Master's Defense is equivalent to 2 hours of attended seminar.


7 - Each PhD defense is equivalent to 3 hours of attended seminar.


8 - The critical review of master's and doctoral defenses must contain an analysis on the presentation of the research and on the comments of the first member of the board to argue the candidate for the degree.


9 - Only seminars that take place within UFABC's premises will be validated, with the sole purpose of controlling the activities.


10 - The chosen activities can be of any topic of interest to the student, but it is necessary that they include at least two activities related to areas of Biomedical Engineering.


11 - The possibility of attending seminars from other graduate programs does not exempt PPGEBM from offering its own seminars.




t the end of the four-month period, the student enrolled in the subject must deliver to the responsible professor:



1 - Certificate of participation or declaration of participation in the event – for each of the events;

2 - File with information on all the events in which you participated;


3 - Review of each event.






  Regulation for the discipline offered remotely 


1 - The student must attend at least 12 Webinars among all those offered by PPGEBM in the four-month period and deliver to the professor a critical review of each webinar attended. This review aims to develop the student's scientific criticism, so it must contain a description of the topic addressed and the student's critical opinion about the method used, the results presented and its analysis.


2 - Seminars or webinars offered outside the program will not be accepted, even if they are from UFABC.


3 - All PPGEBM Webinars will be valid for 1 hour each.


4 - To count as an assisted webinar, the student must sign the attendance list that is passed on during the transmission. The signature of the list will guarantee the delivery of a certificate of participation in the referred webinar. 





At the end of the four-month period, the student enrolled in the subject must deliver to the responsible professor:



1 - Participation certificate for each of the webinars;

2 - Sheet with information on all the webinars you participated in;


3 - Review of each webinar.



 See the introductory video of the discipline offered in 2020.







UFABC events schedule

Agenda of defense panels at UFABC

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