PPGEPR PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO FUNDAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ABC Telefone/Ramal: (11) 2320-6355/6355 http://propg.ufabc.edu.br/pgepr


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 16/09/2022
TIME: 16:30
LOCAL: Remoto - link: https://meet.google.com/uaf-dcvw-see

Comparative study between versions of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method: implications for action prioritization in a case of the automotive industry.

BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia de Produção

Competitive market forces, technological advances and customer requirements drive organizations to deliver services and products consistently, including the concept of quality and reliability in their operations. Among the systems used by companies to predict failures in product launches and map the risks in the development of new processes, the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology has a prominent role in several sectors of the industry, especially in the segment automotive, as an advanced quality tool sometimes required by customers and recommended by standards. Despite the growing number of research on FMEA proposing improvements and demonstrating its applicability in various sectors over more than 70 years of existence of this tool, the issue of validation on risk analysis is rarely addressed, something essential considering that failures are subjectively analyzed and that the processes naturally undergo changes throughout the product life cycle. Data from automotive entities in Brazil indicate an increase in cases of vehicle recalls in recent years, indicating a latent need for systemic actions along the supply chain, especially in decision making in the face of quantifiable uncertainty scenarios However, even after publication of the unified manual FMEA VDA AIAG in 2019 bringing new concepts and with the automakers updating their specific requirements worldwide with their suppliers, there is no structured proposal in the literature for further analysis of the FMEA that is capable of validating potential failures so far mapped in the documentation in relation to the actual process, especially in the context of the Brazilian automotive industry, which implies a greater risk of failures reaching the end customer. From this gap, the present work organized a research methodology with the objective of proposing a structured FMEA validation model through the reverse analysis of documentation and on-site observation in manufacturing, something usually referred to as reverse FMEA (RFMEA). Based on the theoretical framework, a specific checklist was prepared for assembly processes, with validation by specialists, including a prioritization step in the face of possible new failures. To this end, an exploratory case study was carried out in different assembly lines in two plants of an automotive industry in Brazil, focusing on process FMEA (PFMEA), one in the version of the FMEA AIAG 4th edition manual and the other in the latest version of the manual FMEA VDA AIAG 1st edition, in order to test the use of the model and identify opportunities for improvement in both assembly lines. In addition to generating new information on the subject, the expected results through the application of the RFMEA model proposed in this work include the discovery of new failures or potential causes not foreseen in the development of the PFMEA, mitigating the company's risks to customers and disseminating the use of this quality tool in the Brazilian scenario. In advance, the recommendations for future work will include the application of this methodology in other scenarios and companies for a possible generalization, as well as a statistical analysis in a confirmatory character, with the objective of continuing to advance the frontier of knowledge in this subject still little explored.

Presidente - Interno ao Programa - 2187277 - LEONARDO RIBEIRO RODRIGUES
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 1917110 - VANDERLI CORREIA
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo ao Programa - 1544371 - JORGE TOMIOKA
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 1842803 - PATRICIA BELFIORE FAVERO
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Externo ao Programa - 1738975 - JOSE ROBERTO TALAMO
Notícia cadastrada em: 30/08/2022 15:10
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