Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) are one of the solutions proposed for use in wireless sensor networks, making them totally or partially independent of cables and / or batteries. Despite the increasing demand for SWIPT articles, there is little analysis about hardware projects in this area. In order to fill this gap, this work contemplates the design, synthesis and comparison of SWIPT-based reception architectures in low-cost planar structures using the 1.8 GHz mobile communication bands for communication and 2.4 GHz ISM for harvesting of energy out-of-band. In this work, dual patch antennas and Dual-Output Quasi-Yagi (DOQY) are presented as Separated Receiver and Power Splitting, respectively. Also presented is a frequency-based power divider device that integrates DOQY, which is a more efficient alternative for Power Splitting architecture out-of-band harvesting systems compared to conventional power splitters. The preliminary results indicate a satisfactory performance of the double patch, presenting good insulation between ports and Pout = 17 uW. The DOQY antenna presented a gain of 70% in relation to a Quasi-Yagi antenna of the same dimensions (QYref), and the same performance in the harvesting question. The performance at 1.8 GHz was raised to 81% of QYref when the rectifier was added to its respective port. The results presented by DOQY garantee itself as topology of SWIPT systems with harvesting out-of-band.