Study of Chua's circuit with non-linear inductor:
Preisach hysteresis model.
There are many studies on chaotic systems due to their applications, one
of these studies is the Chua circuit that proves that a simple active
system can generate chaotic attractor. This work proposes a new study
for the Chua circuit through simulations, and applying a Preisach
hysteresis on the inductor in order to make it non-linear with the idea
of still generating a chaotic attractor. For this, an analysis of the
circuit was made and a code was created for its simulation in Python,
this simulation gives us the graphs of the voltages in the capacitors,
the current in the inductor, the chaotic attractor, the inductance and
the hysteresis in the inductor. After that, the circuit was simulated
with and without the non-linear inductor and then the results of both
simulations were compared.