Evaluation of Brazilian School Performance: an approach with Artificial Intelligence Models
Education plays a fundamental role in the development of a country, in societies that prioritize it there are low crime rates and a greater state of well-being. According to human capital theory, the effects of education can be associated with greater economic development. In Brazil, only in recent decades has there been greater progress in educational terms, given the implementation of new laws and expansion in enrollment. However, according to national and international assessments, academic performance is still low, considering how much is invested. Given this scenario, it becomes necessary to intervene through public policies that consider the real needs of each cycle
basic education school. In addition, it is identified that Brazil has a series of data on Education, obtained by government surveys, which are currently little explored, but which would allow a better understanding of Education in the country. In this way, it was proposed to evaluate the Brazilian educational performance using Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, prioritizing the models with the best predictive performance in the different analyzes carried out. It was identified that AI models have better performance (error metrics and coefficient of determines) compared to traditional models, which corroborates the literature. In addition, it was characterized that the relative importance of the variables is different for each school level. Finally, it is suggested that the elaboration of educational public policies aimed at improving school academic performance, consider the results of studies that evaluate the available educational data and, if possible, from the perspective of AI.