Performance Analysis os Elastic Optical Networks with Unequal Distribution of Service Types by Route Lengths.
This study has the purpose to analyze the performance of elastic optical networks, taking the distribution characteristics of routes and types of services, considering the homogeneous distribution of routes, with equal probability in the assignment of routes between network nodes, in relation to the heterogeneous distribution, in which the route assignment probability is weighted according to the demographic density of the network nodes. Two known topologies are considered for the study: the NSFNET and the Pan European (PANEUR). Among the performance indicators used in this work, which includes an analysis of fairness in networks, are the network blocking probabilities, by type of service and by size of routes. The use of resources and the average number of hops are other parameters also used in this study, that for approaching the impartiality in terms of route sizes and types of services, with adaptations of the technique called Trunk Reservation (TR), also included the Jain index and the normalized flow of the network. The graphical analysis of the mentioned performance metrics (presented in this work together: (a) without TR application, (b) with inter-route TR and (c) with interservice TR) and the calculations to obtain the fairness and flow were made using data obtained from the OfNetSim simulator, which had as a specific contribution of this work the implementation of a distribution based on the distribution of routes guided by the demographic density of the nodes. The results of this study show that in the NSFNET network the blocking probability values were more accentuated in the heterogeneous distribution of routes than in the homogeneous. For the PANEUR topology, the inverse effect was observed with regard to blocking probabilities related to homogeneous and heterogeneous distributions for all scenarios, but with values closer to each other than in the case of NSFNET. A global analysis, made through all the performance parameters used in this work, was made, in order to present possible explanations for this behavior.