Routing in Multilayer IP/MPLS over elastic optical network by means of Ant Colony Optimization
The growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) and other connected devices, the exponential increase in access to Streaming Video, Video Callings and HDTV, among others, are making networks overloaded. Therefore, the current model (WDM - Wavelength Division Multiplexing) of Optical Networks that use Wave Division Multiplexing no longer meet the traffic demand. In this scenario, new network models will seek to increase reliability and efficiency in operations. In some cases, complex network architectures will emerge that will provide the level of choice and control to meet demand with Quality of Service (QoS) and low cost. Companies and universities have been looking for solutions that extend the life of current technologies, thus taking advantage of the entire structure already installed. Among these solutions, Elastic Optical Networks have been gaining strength, as they make better use of the spectrum, achieving greater bandwidth segmentation and allocating them according to traffic needs. By using this technology, we face with routing problems, which we seek to solve with the use of an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.