THE STATE OF THE ART OF MOLTEN SALT REACTORS - MSR:Concepts and coupled neutronic and fluid dynamics calculations
The concept of Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) has its studies resumed for presenting itself as one of the most promising concepts of Generation IV for short-term implementation, to a great extent due to the sustainable and versatile characteristics of its fuel used, allowing the introduction of the thorium cycle. Despite all the experience gained by ORNL and the progress achieved in the last decade, there are many open opportunities for research related to salt technology, reprocessing, and computational methods to simulate this system. The MSRs, whose innovative concept uses a liquid fuel in motion in its core, do not allow the use of commonly used models to describe nuclear processes and, therefore, new methodologies must be investigated. For this, the neutron parameters of the conceptual reactor Molten Salt Reactor Heterogeneous (or Two-Fluids) were analyzed, using the Serpent code to solve the Boltzmann Linear Transport Equation, and thus obtain the power densities of the reactor, which were then added in a simulation of the flow and heat transfer, modeled with the aid of the CFD code ANSYS-CFX®. The purpose of this simulation was to obtain the variation in temperature and density in the core, results which directly interfere with the neutronics of the reactor. The results showed significant variations present in temperature and density, and for this reason, the simplification for a homogeneous result would lead to significant errors in some regions in the core. Furthermore, the flow obtained for the modeled geometry showed that the thermalization of the flow in the fertile salt region benefits the production of 233U, guaranteeing good operational results for the system, in addition to efficient heat exchange and power generation. It is evident the importance of coupling both neutronic and fluid dynamics models for a meticulous analysis of this type of reactor, making new iterations necessary with the objective of converging the results and the final determination of the parameters of the studied model.