Distributed generation policies: the international experience and the Brazilian case
The increase in electricity consumption and the high use of non-renewable sources for energy generation has serious consequences for the environment. As a way of mitigating this problem, the Distributed Generation makes possible, through the compensation system, the generation or cogeneration in the consumer unit, in condominiums, or by cooperatives. In 1995, the first specific regulations were introduced in Brazil that established criteria and mentioned for the first time the possibility of becoming a self-producer. Over the years, new regulations came into force, however, the deficiency of political and economic mechanisms and incentives hampers the development of DG and new technologies, especially from renewable sources. The diffusion of GD has been increasing. In 2019, 113,393 connection units were made within the classification of micro or mini generation, equivalent to 1.45 GW of power. However, according to EPE, the use of the potential for distributed generation is still insignificant. A solution to the increase in DG would be changes in the regulatory system. In order to verify possible causes of the deficiencies and respective solutions, a comparative analysis between the mechanisms adopted between Brazil and other world reference countries in the use of Distributed Generation is used. This study applies a qualitative bibliographic research methodology, which aims to obtain an analysis of the regulatory development of Distributed Generation in Brazil, as well as to evaluate the impacts that it has on the electricity sector. Also, based on the success stories of GD in the world, assess the need for regulatory improvement and the creation of additional mechanisms for the Brazilian energy sector, in order to make progress in the Distributed Generation, but without any harm to concessionaires, companies other sources of energy and non-self-producing consumers. The possibility and need for investment in Distributed Generation is verified without any major losses to those not connected to the DG system, including changes to the mechanism used.