Anoeodipal CARTOGRAPHIES: written between a schiz and a psychoanalysis.
It is mainly the chimera between schizoanalysis and Freudian psychoanalysis that this cartography is composed. Without beginning or end, this text emerges from the outline of what is conceptualized as schizography, a method of writing-research and an aesthetic-ethics which is extracted from Deleuze & Guattari's “The anti-Oedipus” and operated on now. The anoedipal style of this work is recognized, which is exhausted here as an absence of style, an agramaticality consistent with schizophrenic literature. This opens up space for a delirious wander that produces shifting maps between The anti-Oedipus and the resonances of the sorceress Freudian metapsychology. Cut-flows-schizzes tear the integrity of the text in favor of a heterogeneous population, thus producing singularities inherent to this cartography. A deviation and conjuncture clinic is formulated, which shows that schizoanalysis is not anti-psychoanalysis. Schizophrenizing psychoanalysis is verifying the mobilizations that the schizophrenic process causes in the representative centrality of Oedipus (this so-called sieve of subjective formations, beacon of reality), thus promoting the schiz as a conceptual character and a potential instigator of the real that makes fall the condition of loss of reality. The schizo is the crossing between the revealing denunciation of the real world and of a body under the imminence of a collapse that is not internal to itself, but crossed by the outside - it is immersed in the truth by an ever-more reality. It continues by reaffirming that the desiring machines are schizophrenic, and to break down this statement, some clinical fragments by Victor Tausk and his apparatus to influence psychosis are used. In the description of these devices and machines, the notions of desiring production and machinic unconscious are articulated and tensioned in relation to the representativeness of the Freudian unconscious and its psychic apparatus, culminating in the conception of a schizophrenic and subjectless unconscious. Finally (which may be a beginning), the concept of schizophrenic body is created, bringing the schizophrenic body closer to the body without organs and Freud's theory of drives. The developmental purpose of the drive is de-territorialized, supporting its partial, non-integrative character and its perverse polymorphic condition as acquisitions about what a body can do.