The Policymaking Process: the case of the General Law for the Personal Data Protection
This research project aims to describe and explain the policymaking process in Brazil. Although the first discussions on the creation of a policy on personal data protection date back to 2007, within the scope of the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, the approval of a regulatory framework took place only in 2018. Thus, the question that arises is what processes took place in 2018 so that the issue of privacy and the personal data proctection finally entered the government's agenda and how the different actors mobilized around the subject acted throughout the longstanding debate, influencing the approval of a specific regulatory framework. To this end, models from the field of public policy (multiple streams and advocacy coalitions) are emplyed in the case study on making and approval of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) (Law No. 13,709/2018). In addition to the literature review, data will be collected from public documents and semi-structured interviews with actors involved in the process studied.