The relationship between institutions of the Executive Power and the Justice System in the implementation of public policies: analysis of the articulation between the Municipal Secretariat of Assistance and Social Development and the Public Prosecution Service of the 2nd Region in the implementation of the Child Labor Eradication Program - PETI
The objective of the research is to analyze how to define an articulation between the Public Prosecution Service and the governance institute of the Social Assistance Policy in the implementation of the Child Labor Eradication Program (PETI), contextualizing this institutional arrangement without debating the relationship between SUAS and Justice System. The study seeks to identify if the articulation between these two institutions has new possibilities of action in the Justice System in Public Policies and this mode of intervention can be considered as an atypical role of the Public Ministry from a reactive role to a proactive role in elaboration and implementation of public policies.We will be to case study of the PETI implementation in the city of São Paulo through actions carried out by MPT 2nd Region and SMADS from 2013 to 2016. The case study will be conducted using the qualitative approach of analysis of daily interactions, as instruments data generation we will use document analysis, legislation, decrees and norms, semi-structured interviews with actors of both institutions and bibliographic review.