PPGEBM PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA BIOMÉDICA FUNDAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ABC Téléphone/Extension: Indisponible http://propg.ufabc.edu.br/ppgebm


 PPGEBM has few institutional scholarships and, for this reason, it encourages interested students to forward requests to other funding agencies, such as the FAPESP






To apply for one of the institutional scholarships, the candidate must declare interest at the time of registration for the selection process for admission to the Masters course. In addition, the candidate must declare full dedication to the activities of the master's course and, therefore, he cannot have an employment relationship.


Currently, the PPGEBM has 7 scholarships, 4 from the CAPES quota and 3 from the UFABC quota. All have the same monthly value, which is regulated by CAPES. All scholarships are awarded for a maximum period of 24 months and cannot be extended.



The distribution of scholarships is regulated by Ordinance PROPG 1605/2021, available HERE. The guidelines for such distribution are described below:


1. One scholarship will be awarded per selection process, respecting the classification of that selection process. Thus, the best ranked candidates will have priority to the granting of institutional scholarships;


2. Once this criterion is fulfilled, the following classification will be adopted, in descending order:


    2.1. Scientific-technological production of the student, which is related to the program (articles, patents, congresses etc., together with the advisor);


    2.2. Classification of the student in the selection process to be considered, prioritizing the best classified;


    2.3. Longer student time on the course.



3. Still, aiming at a better distribution of scholarships, the same advisor cannot simultaneously have more than one scholarship for his/hers different students in the program.






Currently, the following students are scholarship holders of the program: 






     Leonardo Trindade Fabretti


     Natália Cristina Koch


     Luiz Henrique Cabral Oliveira


     Leonardo Braun M. G. Dias





     Juliana Toledo Faria


     Italo Sandoval Ramos de Oliveira


     Gisely Lima da Silva

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