Selection algorithm for νe CC events in the SBND experiment
The SBND (Short Baseline Near Detector) is a new addition to the SBN (Short Baseline Neutrino) program, sitting only 110 meters away from the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab, and as such will play an important role in, among other investigations, our efforts to better understand neutrino oscillations by providing us with high-quality measurements of un-oscillated neutrinos. While the detector is still in commissioning, the collaboration has generated high-quality Monte Carlo productions that replicate its expected behavior, allowing us to develop data analysis tools to be used with it before SBND starts operating. Our work is focused on developing an algorithm capable of selecting charged current electron neutrino events, a very small percentage of our detected neutrino interactions, all while striving to achieve the lowest false rejection rate and highest purity. We have taken the selection used in ICARUS as a starting point, tuning it for use in SBND. Now, we are focusing our efforts on ways to improve this process, implementing new cuts and modifying the exiting ones to achieve our goals.
Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab, and as such will play an important
generated high-quality Monte Carlo productions that replicate its expected be-
havior, allowing us to develop data analysis tools to be used with it before SBND
our detected neutrino interactions, all while striving to achieve the lowest false
rejection rate and highest purity.We have taken the selection used in ICARUS
the exiting ones to achieve our goals.