PPGEEL PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICA FUNDAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ABC Téléphone/Extension: Indisponible http://propg.ufabc.edu.br/ppgeel


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 15/04/2021
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: https://meet.google.com/cfa-irtz-gdo
Improvement of finite control set predictive control  using constant frequency modulation applied to the current control of a single-phase inverter
 connected to the grid by means of an LC filter

GRANDE ÁREA: Engenharias
ÁREA: Engenharia Elétrica
SUBÁREA: Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos
ESPECIALIDADE: Eletrônica Industrial

This work has as its main contribution the design and development of a predictivecontrollers applied to a single-phase H bridge inverter connected to the grid using LC filter.Simulations are used to validate the proposed control strategy. The main contributions ofthe work are: (I) Mathematical modeling of a single-phase inverter with LC filter for theapplication of predictive control; (II) Development of predictive algorithms based on FiniteControl Set model with variable and fixed; (III) Comparison of the proposed predictivecontroller in relation to a controllers: PI adjusted appropriately by the frequency responsemethod and P+RES with the same PI proportional gain, with integral gain and resonancefrequency adjusted empirically. Both controls are applied to a model of a single-phaseinverter with LC filter connected to the grid developed in the Matlab®/Simulink®software.This work has as its main contribution the development and improvement of a predictivecontrol based on a mathematical model of the type by finite states with the use of frequencymodulation applied to the current control of a single-phase inverter with H bridge connectedto the power grid using a filter LC. Simulations are used to validate the proposed controlstrategy. The main contributions of the work are: (I) Mathematical modeling of a single-phase inverter with LC filter for the application of predictive control; (II) Developmentof predictive algorithms based on a Finite Control Set model with variable and fixedfrequency with modulation for the application of 2 and 3 vectors; (III) Comparison of theproposed predictive controllers in relation to the controllers: PI adjusted appropriately bythe frequency response method and P + RES with the same proportional gain as the PI,with integral gain and resonance frequency empirically adjusted. All controls are appliedto the same single-phase inverter model with LC filter connected to the mains developedin the Matlab®/ Simulink®software.

Presidente - Interno ao Programa - 1907748 - ALFEU JOAOZINHO SGUAREZI FILHO
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - TÁRCIO ANDRÉ DOS SANTOS BARROS - UNICAMP
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - FLÁVIO ALESSANDRO SERRÃO GONÇALVES - UNESP
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Externo ao Programa - 2328639 - ADEMIR PELIZARI
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/03/2021 17:07
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