Fundação Universidade Federal do ABC Santo André, 22 de Julho de 2024

Resumo do Componente Curricular

Dados Gerais do Componente Curricular
Tipo do Componente Curricular: DISCIPLINA
Tipo de Disciplina: REGULAR
Forma de Participação: DISCIPLINA REGULAR
Código: EPM-407D
Carga Horária Teórica: 48 h.
Carga Horária Prática: 0 h.
Carga Horária Estudo Individual: 60 h.
Carga Horária Dedicada do Docente: 0 h.
Carga Horária Total: 108 h.
Excluir da Avaliação Institucional: Não
Matriculável On-Line: Sim
Horário Flexível da Turma: Não
Horário Flexível do Docente: Sim
Obrigatoriedade de Nota Final: Sim
Pode Criar Turma Sem Solicitação: Não
Necessita de Orientador: Não
Exige Horário: Sim
Permite CH Compartilhada: Não
Permite Múltiplas Aprovações: Não
Quantidade de Avaliações: 3
Ementa/Descrição: O objetivo da disciplina é realizar uma discussão introdutória da principal obra de John M. Keynes, "A Teoria Geral do Emprego, dos Juros e da Moeda", e, de forma subsidiária, das obras dos principais autores que marcaram a chamada teoria Pós-Keynesiana.
Referências: [1] Arestis, Philip, Palma, Gabriel, Sawyer, Malcom (2005): Capital Controversy, Post-Keynesian Economics and the History of Economic. New York: Routledge. [2] Arestis, Philip e Sawyer, Malcom (2004). The Rise of the Market. Critical Essays on the Political Economy of Neo-Liberalism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. [3] Blaug, Mark. Teoría Económica en Retrospección. Cidade do México: Fundo de Cultura Econômica. 2001a. [4] Blaug, Mark. Metodologia da Economia. São Paulo: Editora Edusp. 2001b. [5] Durlauf, Steven e Blume, Lawrence (orgs). The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Londres: Palgrave McMillan. 2008. [6] Eichner, Alfred (org.). A guide to Post-Keynesian Economics. Nova York: M.E. Sharp Incl. 1978. [7] Feiwel, George (ed.). 1989. Joan Robinson and the Modern Economic Theory. Hong Kong: The Macmillan Press. [8] Gibson, Bill. Joan Robinson’s Economics. A centennial celebration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. [9] Harrod, R. (1972). Economic Essays. Londres: Macmillan. [10] Harrod, R. (1973). Economic Dynamics. Londres: Macmillan. [11] Harcourt, Geoffrey (1972). Some Cambridge Controversies in the theory of capital. Cambridge University Press. [12] Harcourt, Geoffrey (2001): 50 Years a Keynesian and Other Essays. New York: palgrave macmillan. [13] Harcourt, G. (2006): The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics – The Core Contributions of the Pioneers. New York: Cambridge University Press. [14] Harcourt, Geoffrey C. and Kerr, P. 2009. Joan Robinson. Great thinkers in economy. Series editor: A.P. Thirlwall. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [15] Holt, Richard P.F. e Pressman, Steven. A New Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy). Londres: Routledge. [16] Kalecki, M. (1993). Collected Works of Michal Kalecki. Clarendon Press. [17] Keynes, J. M. (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Várias Edições. [18] Keynes, J. M. (2012). Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Londres: the Royal Economic Society. [19] Holt, Richard et alii (org.) (2009): Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics - Confronting Environmental Issues. UK (Reino Unido): Edward Elgar. [20] King, J. E.. (org.) (2003): The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics.UK (Reino Unido): Edward Elgar. [21] King, J.E. A History of Post Keynesian Economics since 1936. Northampton: Edward Elgar. 2002. [22] Lavoie, M. (2009). Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics. [23] Leeson, Robert (org.) (2008): The Keynesian Tradition. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [24] Minsky, H. (2008): John Maynard Keynes. New York: Mcgrawhill. [25] Nell, Edward J. (2005): The General Theory of Transformational Growth – Keynes after Sraffa. New York: Cambridge University Press. [26] Randall Wray, L., Forstater, Mathew (2004): Contemporary Post Keynesian Analysis. UK (Reino Unido): Edward Elgar. [27] Robinson, Joan. 1960 [1937]. Introduction to the theory of employment. London: Macmillan. [28] Robinson, Joan. 1974a [1942]. An Essay on Marxian Economics. London: Macmillan. [29] Robinson, Joan. 1969 [1956]. The Accumulation of Capital. Third Edition. London: Macmillan. [30] Robinson, Joan (1979). Aspects of Development and Underdevelopment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [31] Robinson, Joan (1980b). What are the Questions and Other Essays - Further Contributions to Modern Economics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [32] Robinson, Joan (1969). The Accumulation of Capital. Londres: Macmillan. [33] Robinson, Joan e Eatwell, John. Introduction to Modern Economics. Londres: McGrawHill. 1974. [34] Roncaglia, Alessandro (2009): Piero Sraffa – Great thinkers in economics – Series editor: A. P Thirlwall. UK (Reino Unido): Palgrave Macmillan. [35] Roncaglia, Alessandro (2000): Piero Sraffa – His life, thought and cultural heritage. London and New York: Routledge. [36] _________ (2005): The Wealth of Ideas – A History of Economic Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press. [37] Pasinetti, L. (1993). Structural Economic Dynamics. Cambridge University Press. [38] Sardoni, Claudio, Kriesler, Peter (org.) (2005): Keynes, Post-Keynesianism and Political Economy – Essays in honour of Geoff Harcourt (Volume 3). London: Routledge. [39] Sraffa, P. (1960). Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. Cambridge University Press. [40] Steedman, Ian (1977). Marx, Sraffa y el problema de la transformación. Fondo de Cultura Económica: Cidade do México. [41] Sunkel, Osvaldo e Gligo, Nicolo (1981). Estilos de Desarrollo y medio ambiente en la América Latina. 2 volumes. Fondo de Cultura Económica: Cidade do México. 1981. [42] Taylor, Lance (2000). Reconstructing Macroeconomics. Structuralist proposals and critiques of mainstream. Cambridge, Massachussets: Harvard University Press. [43] Thirlwall, A. P. (2002) The Nature of Economic Growth. Cheltenham: Edward Elger. [44] Thirlwall A. P. (1999) Growth and Development. 6a edição London: Macmillan Press. [45] Thirlwall, A.P. (1987) ‘Keynes, Economic Development and the Developing Countries’, in Thirlwall, A. P. (ed.) Keynes and Economic Development. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

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