Referências: |
BORENSTEIN, J.; EVERETT, H. R.; FENG, Liqang; Navigating Mobile Robots: Systems and Tecniques. A.K.Peters Ltd, 1996.
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HARALICK, R. M.; SHAPIRO, L. G.; Computer and Robot Vision, Boston, Addison-Wesley, 1993. ROMANO, Victor Fereira; Robótica Industrial, Edgard Blucher, 2002.
SIEGWART, Roland; NOURBAKHSH, Illah; Introduction to autonomous mobile robots / The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 2004.
JONES, Joseph L.; Mobile Robots - Inspiration to Implementation, AK PETERS, 1998.
ROSÁRIO, João Maurício; Princípios de mecatrônica. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2005.
PARAGIOS, Nikos; CHEN, Yunmei; FAUGERAS, Olivier D.; Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision, Springer, 2006. |