Referências: |
BEN-ARI, Mordechai. Principles of concurrent and distributed programming. 2ª. ed. Harlow, UK: Addison-Wesley, 2006. 361 p.
HERLIHY, Maurice.; SHAVIT, Nir. The art of multiprocessor programming. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Morgan, 2008. 508 p.
MATTSON, Timothy G; SANDERS, Beverly A; MASSINGILL, Berna. Patterns for parallel programming. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2005. 355 p. (Software Patterns Series).
SCHILDT, Herbert. C,completo e total. 3 ed. São Paulo: Pearson Makron Books, 1997. 827 p. CHAPMAN, Barbara; JOST, Gabriele; PAS, Ruud van der. Using OpenMP: portable shared memory parallel programming. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2008. 353 p. (Scientific and engineering computation).
PACHECO, Peter S. Parallel programming with MPI. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1997. 418 p. |