Research areas

 Research Areas:


MICROECONOMICS, SOCIAL AND INNOVATION ECONOMICS - The Microeconomics, Social and Innovation Economics area deals with topics in microeconomic development such as: generation and diffusion of technology and innovation; industrial, technological, environmental and agricultural policies; analysis of the environmental impact of development; income inequality; poverty; generation and management of new ventures; market labor participation and policies of a redistributive and compensatory nature. The area has theoretical modules that provide students with the necessary apparatus to research important problems of microeconomic development. Depending on the emphasis of each research, the microeconomics modules can be complemented with the learning of applied statistics and econometrics techniques. The objective is to establish theoretical and methodological instruments to diagnose, evaluate and propose alternatives to economic, social, environmental and innovation problems. In the Microeconomics area, a group formed by professors Ana Fava, Mônica Kuwahara and Ana Abras works with the microeconomic aspects of development; This group overlaps with Feminist Economics, the Capabilities Approach, Cultural Economics, Family Economics, etc. Professor Jeroen Klink works in the area of urban economics, having studied especially urban financialization and its impact on planning. Professor Thiago Morello is a researcher in Environmental and Development Economics, with focus on land use, forests, agricultural fires and health. Professor Ricardo Politi is a researcher of Public Economics, and, more specifically, of taxation and Fiscal Federalism. In turn, Professor Anapatrícia Vilha researches Economics of Science and Technology, especially the subject of innovation. Professor José Henrique Bassi Souza Sperancini, recently incorporated into the program, also works with innovation issues, especially in the health area. Professor Maximiliano Barbosa studies networks. It is also worth noting that Professor Guilherme Magacho also researches in the area of Industrial Economics with input-output analysis, having incorporated the extension of these methods to environmental analysis.


HISTORY AND ECONOMIC THOUGHT - This area of research seeks to enable students to understand the economy and economic theorizing itself as fundamentally social and historical processes. The area of research offers a set of modules that allow students to deepen their studies in economic methodology and the history of economic thought, emphasizing not only the epistemological, ontological, and historical paths of the module, but also the current controversies and debates about the methodological principles of economic theorizing. In this sense, the area of research highlights studies of specific schools of economic thought. One example is the case of Original Institutionalism, understood as a fruitful disciplinary strand that recovers the understanding of economic phenomena as a social and historical construction. In this way, the research area seeks to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the history of economic thought and economic methodology, as well as offering a solid training in the institutionalist approach, enabling graduates to actively participate in the main debates of these disciplinary fields. In the History and Economic Thought area, we highlight that professors Danilo Ramalho da Silva and André Roncaglia study the History of contemporary Macroeconomics; professors Manoel Ramon Souza Luz and Ramon Garcia Fernandez study with Institutional Economics; professor Fábio Terra study historical and methodological issues of post-Keynesian thought, while professors Patrícia Cunha and Carlos Eduardo Carvalho study, among other subjects, with the Economic History of Latin America. In turn, professor Gabriel Rossini, recently incorporated into the program as a permanent member, investigates the issue of urban development from a historical perspective, although he previously worked with Brazilian history from the 19th century, which allows for a broader range of supervisions.


MACROECONOMICS AND FINANCE - The Macroeconomics and Finance research area focuses on a core group of professors interested in research on topics related to the study of macroeconomic and financial phenomena. With this research area, the UFABC Graduate Program in Economics articulates a set of advising, research and teaching activities associated with a wide variety of topics, such as macroeconomic dynamics, short-term fluctuations, economic growth and development, theory and practice in finance, study of financial systems and financial crises, study of banking and financial organizations, among others. The main objective of the Macroeconomics and Finance research area is to ensure that students master a rigorous technical education, based on the study of theoretical and applied developments at the forefront of the field of knowledge. Under the guidance of the Program's qualified group of professors, graduates will be trained to develop cutting-edge academic research, allowing for greater in-depth study of both regional issues and the themes of major national and international debates. Among those working in the field of Macroeconomics and Finance is Professor Bruno Rocha, who researches Monetary and Banking Economics, an area in which Professor Ana Abras has also worked; Professors Ricardo Buscariolli and Maximiliano Barbosa are researchers of Finance, an area in which Professor Guilherme Lima, a Time Series Econometrics specialist, also collaborates; Professor Evandir Megliorini works at the interface between Finance and Accounting. There is a group of professors who work with Macroeconomics from a post-Keynesian perspective, namely Fábio Terra, André Roncaglia, Guilherme Magacho and Patrícia Cunha.

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