Research groups

Research Groups


BrainEx (Brain in Exercise) aims to study Neuromodulation in health promotion and improvement of physical performance and Neuroscience of physical exercise (neural bases of regulation and limitation of physical exercise; psychology of physical exercise; cognitive strategies in physical exercise; theory of perception-action in sport; influence of extrinsic and environmental factors on physical exercise).

Teacher in charge: Dr. Alexandre Okano



The CONEM (Neural correlates of balance and gait) aims to study the neurophysiological bases of postural control and gait intact and with movement disorders such as Parkinson's Disease. We use biomechanics and brain function assessment techniques such as fNIRS (functional near infrared spectroscopy - fNIRS) and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging).

Professors: Dr. João Ricardo Sato and Dr. Daniel Boari Coelho (Biomedical Engineering).




The GELC (Study Group on Neuroscience of Language and Cognition) aims to study related to the area of Language, Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences, through an interdisciplinary team of collaborators. Gelc is part of the laboratory of the Center for Cognition and Complex Systems (NCSC).

Professors in charge: Dr. Maria Teresa Carthery-Goulart and Dr. Katerina Lukasova

Website: http://neuro.ufabc.edu.br/gelc



The GEN - Neurobiology Study Group of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (LaNeC) aims to study and characterize, at the cellular and subcellular level, the physiological and adaptive mechanisms during the learning and memory process. One of the main lines of research of the program is the study of mechanisms and/or identification of therapeutic targets in pathologies with cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and depression.

Professor in charge: Dr. Fernando A. Oliveira

Website: http://pesquisa.ufabc.edu.br/lanec/


Neurogenetics Laboratory

The Neurogenetics Laboratory aims at research projects encompassing degenerative diseases and developmental disorders, in the molecular and biological view, having several focuses, such as: neonatal anoxia, epilepsy, spinal cord injuries, development and pathologies of the retina.
Its approaches are composed of the integration of several areas of knowledge, behavioral, electrophysiological, molecular, pharmacological, genetic and computational.

Professors in charge: Dr. Alexandre Hiroaki Kihara, Dr. Silvia Honda Takada and Dr. Erika Reime Kinjo, postdocs Dr. Vera Paschon, Dr. Guilherme Higa and Dr. Gabrielly Chiarantin.



LINDAS (Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Neuroscience of Affective and Social Development) aims to study functional neurodevelopment using neuroimaging techniques, empathy and racial prejudice, large-scale neural networks and affective and social aspects during development and in adults.

Professor in charge: Dr. Claudinei Biazoli

Website: http://neuro.ufabc.edu.br/lindas/


MANAs (Memory, Learning and Neurobiology in Animals) is a research group whose main objective is to understand the processes of learning and memory and their underlying mechanisms. Currently, the group's lines of research involve behavioral, pharmacological and molecular techniques. Teachers in charge: Raquel Vecchio Fornari, Tatiana Lima Ferreira and Paula Ayako Tiba.




The Neuromodulation Assistance and Research Centers aims to study the development of Noninvasive Neuromodulation (NiN) through electromagnetic resources such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (PMS) and Transcranial Electrostimulation (tDCS, tACS, tRNS, tcDCS), Medullary (tsDCS) and Peripheral (PES).

Professors in charge: Dr. Abrahão Fontes Baptista, Dr. André Fonseca, Dr. André Mascioli Cravo, Dr. Andrea Cristina Lima, Dr. Alexandre Okano, Dr. Claudinei Biazolli, Dr. João Ricardo Sato, Dr. Marcelo Salvador Caetano and Dr. Yossi Zana.



NeuroComp aims to study Computational Modeling and Quantitative Methods in Neurosciences, Neural Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Structural and Functional Neuroimaging, and Data Science.

Professors in charge: Dr. João Sato, Dr. Claudinei Biazoli, Dr. Raphael Yokoingawa, Dr. Marcelo Reyes, Dr. Cristiane Salum, Dr. Fabio de Souza, Dr. Boris Marin, Dr. André Fonseca, Dr. David Martins



investigates the role of inhibition of nitric oxide formation on extrapyramidal motor effects induced by antipsychotics and other dopaminergic receptor antagonists, as well as nitric oxide inhibitors themselves. These extrapyramidal effects can be observed in experimental animals through specific protocols such as the catalepsy test, tardive dyskinesias test and with the use of experimental devices such as the Rota-rod, for example.

Professors in charge: Dr. Marcela Bermúdez Echeverry



NeuroMusic (Neuroscience and Music Project at UFABC) aims to study musical cognition from the point of view of neurosciences in search of a better understanding of how we perceive, understand, memorize, imagine, produce and react emotionally to music.

Professors in charge: Dr. Patricia Vanzella and Dr. João Ricardo Sato

Website: http://neuro.ufabc.edu.br/music/pb/



Timing and Cognition Lab UFABC

The Timing and Cognition Lab UFABC aims to study time perception through visual psychophysics, eye tracking, computer modeling, brain microinjections, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), near-infrared spespectomy (NIRS) and non-invasive electrophysiological recordings (EEG and others) in humans.

Professors in charge: Dr. Marcelo S. Caetano, Dr. Raphael Y. de Camargo, Dr. Andre M. Cravo, Dr. Marcelo B. Reyes and Dr. Peter M. E. Claessens.

Website: http://neuro.ufabc.edu.br/timing




UFABC Connect is a research group on brain connectivity at UFABC. Our interdisciplinary team is composed of mathematicians, physicists, physiotherapists, psychologists, computer scientists, sports scientists and others. Our primary objective is to analyze the functional and effective connectivity of the brain in the context of neuromodulation, through Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and High Definition Transcranial Electrostimulation (HD-tDCS), seeking to characterize pathologies, improving therapeutic procedures and improving the performance of athletes.

Professors in charge: Dr. André Fonseca, Dr. Abrahão Fontes Baptista, Dr. Alexandre Okano.





The GEANM (Study Group on Neuropsychiatric Aspects and Motricity) aims to investigate the interactions between the central nervous system, cognitive and emotional processes, and motor function. With an interdisciplinary approach, the group integrates knowledge from neuroscience, psychology, physiotherapy, physical education and related areas. The current lines of research include the application of neuropsychiatric tests and scales for the assessment and study of cognitive functions, emotional aspects, motor skills and socioeconomic aspects in different populations. Professor in Charge: Dr. Ruth Ferreira Galduróz.




The GENTE group (Study/Experimentation Group on the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia Disorder) develops translational, interdisciplinary and broad research, with animals, humans and computational, on the neurochemical, pharmacological, physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying schizophrenia and its development. The animal models employed are mainly based on deficient neurodevelopment, using toxins or other tools that interfere with and impair healthy neurodevelopment. In this area, our focus is on the evaluation of neuroinflammation, with evaluation of potential antioxidant/anti-inflammatory agents. Research in humans has focused mainly on deficiencies in the sensorimotor filter, considered a determining flaw in the development of several other symptoms of this disorder and others, such as bipolar. Still with humans, our research is more comprehensive in the sense of studying neurodevelopment in children, in situations of adversity. Regarding computational research, our group has developed simulation models of neural circuitry involved, especially in the sensory-motor filter and in the neuropharmacological modulation of this circuit in healthy or deficient situations. Professor in charge: Dr. Cristiane Salum


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