Utilization of Energy Storage by Batteries to Minimize Electrical Energy Losses in Distribution Networks with High Penetration of Photovoltaic Distributed Generation
The integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar, into electrical energy distribution networks can significantly affect the operational efficiency of these networks. To deal with this challenge, the use of battery energy storage systems, in English, Battery Energy Storage System – BESS, on a grid scale has grown, motivated by cost reduction and flexibility to provide services. BESSs are capable of absorbing and supplying active and reactive power with response times of less than one second, mitigating the intermittency of photovoltaic generation. In this context, this work proposes a Multi-Period Optimal Power Flow (FPOM) for distribution networks with Photovoltaic Generation (GF) and BESSs. The proposed model considers the operational limitations of the network, the power flow restrictions, the GFs and the operational limits of the BESSs. The proposal includes a charge and discharge cycle for the daily operation of storage systems in order to reduce system losses. The proposed methodology was tested using two distribution networks: one with 33 bars and the other with 69 bars. The results showed a reduction in system losses and an improvement in the voltage profile, especially when the BESSs were distributed throughout the network.