Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 15/08/2023
TIME: 09:30
LOCAL: Online

The use of fNIRS in research related to literacy in autistic children

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

My trajectory in the master's degree began with the motivation to deepen my knowledge in neuroscience focused on the subject of Education. I am a Pedagogue and I had already completed two lato sensu postgraduate courses in Neuroscience applied to Education and Institutional and Clinical Neuropsychopedagogy, which were very important and quite complementary to my pedagogical work, but with a master's course I could add a better development to scientific research, that I was interested in at the time of graduation where I did the Scientific Initiation and was awarded a prize in the area of Humanities for my study.

In the master's degree at UFABC, in addition to fulfilling all the necessary credits by studying the mandatory and optional subjects, but in relation to my Project, I started with the intention of studying the importance of Neuroscience being present in the training of the teacher/pedagogue, but when contacting my current advisor, he offered me another possibility, which I accepted, which would be to develop a topic inserted as a strand of another Project already in progress with investments from FAPESP, in which he participated. From then on, my master's project officially followed the path of experiments with fNIRS related to literacy and the population of autistic children (ASD).

In the master's degree at UFABC, in addition to fulfilling all the necessary credits by studying the mandatory and optional subjects, but in relation to my Project, I started with the intention of studying the importance of Neuroscience being present in the training of the teacher/pedagogue, but when contacting my current advisor, he offered me another possibility, which I accepted, which would be to develop a topic inserted as a strand of another Project already in progress with investments from FAPESP, in which he participated. From then on, my master's project officially followed the path of experiments with fNIRS related to literacy and the population of autistic children (ASD).

I participated in an intra-subject experiment that was being carried out in this ongoing Project, which consisted of children within the autistic spectrum, who were clients of an interdisciplinary clinic called CLIA (Rua Vitória Régia, 1095 Bairro Campestre – Santo André/SP) specialized in therapeutic period in the after-school shift of children with developmental disorders, where some children previously selected and authorized by their guardians were participating in the experiment, which consisted of them performing tasks on the computer through a literacy software, the ALLEP curriculum, being monitored by the fNIRS.

I participated in an intra-subject experiment that was being carried out in this ongoing Project, which consisted of children within the autistic spectrum, who were clients of an interdisciplinary clinic called CLIA (Rua Vitória Régia, 1095 Bairro Campestre – Santo André/SP) specialized in therapeutic period in the after-school shift of children with developmental disorders, where some children previously selected and authorized by their guardians were participating in the experiment, which consisted of them performing tasks on the computer through a literacy software, the ALLEP curriculum, being monitored by the fNIRS.

I participated in 3 of these data collections with fNIRS at Clia, on three dates last year 2022: February 24th, July 8th and September 30th. On those dates, I spent the whole day, from 9 am until the time it ended, around 5 pm, helping with the collections, receiving the children, systematically observing all the procedures carried out by the experimenters, both in the instructions given to the children in relation to the activity on the computer and fNIRS headgear use, as well as fNIRS operation and children's behavior. On those days I also helped by filming the experiments, filming the children performing the experimental task with fNIRS so that these videos could later serve as behavioral data to be analyzed. I wrote descriptive reports about the children's behavior in these videos in interaction with the task, with fNIRS and with the experimenter, as another way of collaborating in this Project. I also participated in some meetings regarding this Project and experiment.

Initially, I would also carry out and lead a very similar experimental task with children at Clia who were autistic in the literacy phase using this same software and also with children considered to be typically developing in public schools in the city of Santo André/SP. However, even because of the covid-19 pandemic, the partnership with the regular school of Santo André extended its bureaucratic deadlines too much and ended up not having enough time to carry out the experiment with all the necessary protocols. In the meantime, the partnership with Clínica Clia also ended, and even though a new one could be made, our deadlines would be at risk, so my advisor and I decided to recalculate the route and follow another path, a bibliographic review project.

I reorganized and forwarded my Master's Project to be a systematic literature review on the use of fNIRS in experiments on literacy in children, more specifically in autistic children. I found 169 articles, of which 103 were selected, 46 articles on topics related to the use of fNIRS, 19 comparative between autistic and neurotypical groups with fNIRS, 19 on fNIRS with only autistic populations, 12 with topics that deal with Literacy or related Learning with Executive Functions and Language related to Neuroscience and Education, and 7 more on neurodiversity and autism. I have my review article practically finished, already written, but in the phase of some adjustments and revision of the formatting.

Presidente - Interno ao Programa - 1672975 - JOAO RICARDO SATO
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - GUSTAVO HENRIQUE RÜCKERT - UFPEL
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - APARECIDO JOSÉ COUTO SOARES - USP
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 1844585 - MARIA TERESA CARTHERY GOULART
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - CAMILA BARBOSA RICCARDI LEON - SantaCasa SP
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/07/2023 11:22
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