Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 16/12/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala S17 do Bloco Delta do Campus de São Bernardo do Campo da Universidade Federal do ABC

Time Estimation and Intertemporal Choice: An fNIRS-guided TMS Study

PAGES: 100
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia
SUBÁREA: Psicologia Experimental
SPECIALTY: Processos Cognitivos e Atencionais

Buying a product now or saving money and buying something more valuable in the future is a frequent dilemma for most people. Decisions involving tradeoffs between costs and benefits over time are referred to as intertemporal choices. Generally, humans apply a variable rate of devaluation to future earnings: discount rates, in monthly terms, are relatively high and low for rewards expected in the near or distant future, respectively. A possible explanation for this inconsistency is the influence of time perception. It is suggested that the perception of time may follow a trend of acceleration, linearity or deceleration in relation to the objective time, depending on the individual and the presentation format of the time intervals. In this way, the perception of the magnitude of the time intervals could influence the intertemporal decision. The general objective of this study was to identify cortical regions involved in the cognitive processing of time perception and intertemporal choice.

In one experiment, 16 volunteers estimated the magnitudes of abstract numbers and time intervals in the Number+months format. In both tasks, the length of a line was used as an analog scale to represent magnitude. A Control task consisted of choosing between the two ends of the line. Cortical activity in frontal and parietal regions was recorded, simultaneously with the tasks, using fNIRS. The magnitude was estimated to be greater for time intervals than for abstract numbers. However, there was no difference in the degree of compression, as evidenced by the coefficients of the power functions fitted to the data. There was a difference in the activation of the frontal regions evaluated in the Control and Number+months conditions when considering the HbO record.

In a second experiment, 37 participants performed the tasks of estimating time intervals and intertemporal choice. In both cases, time intervals were presented in two ways: Number+months and personal events. Tasks were performed before and after stimulation in one of three cortical areas using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). A difference was observed in the estimation of the magnitude of time intervals in the Number+months format between the group stimulated in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the other two groups. In the case of discount rates in the intertemporal choice task, there were differences in the presentation condition of time intervals in the Number+months and events format, but no effect of the stimulated area was observed.

The behavioral results confirm the importance of context in the magnitude estimation task, in this case, presentation in the format of abstract numbers, numbers + time-unit and time intervals indicated by the occurrence of personal events. Consequently, the discount rate in the intertemporal choice task is also impacted by context. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex region was identified as the region with the greatest potential to mediate such differences.

Presidente - Interno ao Programa - 1674604 - YOSSI ZANA
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 2139904 - CLAUDINEI EDUARDO BIAZOLI JUNIOR
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - CANDIDA DA SILVA FERREIRA BARRETO
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - RICKSON COELHO DE MESQUITA - UNICAMP
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - GABRIEL GAUDENCIO RÊGO
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 3247341 - PEDRO JOSE MONTOYA JIMENEZ
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 1714632 - PETER MAURICE ERNA CLAESSENS
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - LOUISE CATHERYNE BARNE - UCL
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/11/2022 14:31
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