PPGFIL PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FILOSOFIA FUNDAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ABC Téléphone/Extension: Indisponible http://propg.ufabc.edu.br/pgfil


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 19/12/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Sala 212 do Bloco Zeta do Campus São Bernardo da Universidade Federal do ABC

The Category of Liberation in Karl Marx

PAGES: 176
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Filosofia

The thesis deals with the category of liberation (Befreiung) in the works of Karl Marx, published in German in the 44 volumes of the MEW – Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Werke (Berlin: Dietz Verlag). Investigating all occurrences of the compound radical befrei in the entire work, the research identified the recurrent relationship of the term liberation with others in particular, generated from them the logical mapping of the primary and secondary categories related to liberation, systematized the contents of the main passages and connected them to each other, clarifying different extensions and understandings of this category in its use by Marx in the whole of his work. The research showed that this category is central to the author's trajectory of elaboration and that its recurrent and consistent articulation with other primary and secondary categories gives unity and coherence to his thought when dealing with liberation in diverse areas under different aspects; the research made it possible especially to organically connect the set of these elaborations by their own analytical and strategic interfaces. Since all liberation requires the means of its realization, whose production is socially mediated, the consequence is the impossibility of the self-liberation of individuals separately; on the other hand, given the contradictory character of class societies, it is equally impossible the liberation of all human beings together, at once. For the author, the suppression of the deprivation of the means necessary for the realization of the freedoms of all and each is effectively realized, progressively, with the free communal association of workers who, appropriating themselves of the productive forces, liberate their potential in the abundant creation of means of production and consumption to meet the needs of human communities, relying on the capacities of each in the benefit of the free development of everyone's individuality.  In his approach, the same intrinsic movement of capitalist expropriation, which generates monopolies, continues to operate in this last phase, in which cooperative production, unleashing the potential of the productive forces, progressively advances in the expropriation of the expropriators, meeting growing volumes of social demands with the expanded reproduction of economic value. Thus, the liberation of value, labor, and industry occurs, in a historical movement similar to that of the demise of the feudal system and the emergence of capitalism, but now in the transition from the capitalist system to the communal system, mediated by socialism as an intermediate phase. In this movement, the market and the state are progressively abolished, as they mediate the economic and political alienation of human communities; and, in their place, non-state public power (öffentliche Gewalt) is established, based on the economic and social power of these communities (Gemeinwesen), where the universality of communal human nature is effectively realized.  Thus, the liberation of the productive forces, with the development of scientific and technological applied to the economy, not only advances in the liberation of human working time, that is, in the expansion of free time (freie Zeit) for everyone, but it consolidates the material bases for the realization of individual and public freedoms, ensured by new social forms of a democratic nature, freely organized, that overcome the contradiction between social classes and lead to the abolition of these.

Presidente - Interno ao Programa - 1802167 - DANIEL PANSARELLI
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 1837751 - FERNANDO COSTA MATTOS
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - ANTONIO RUFINO VIEIRA - UFPB
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 2244904 - SUZE DE OLIVEIRA PIZA
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - PAULO CESAR CARBONARI
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/12/2023 09:34
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