Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 10/05/2022
HORA: 08:30
LOCAL: Remoto

Sustainability from the perspective of complexity: evaluation of conceptions and the incorporation of the concept in citizen science protocols

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem
ESPECIALIDADE: Avaliação da Aprendizagem

Understanding the complex meaning of the concept of sustainability requires understanding the dynamics formed by the balance of three interrelated dimensions: economic prosperity, environmental quality and social justice. Although the term sustainability has been widely debated and used in recent years, there is still confusion about the different definitions that the term presents, which can make difficult: 1. the process of establishing a conceptual framework; 2. the internalization of the concept; 3. changes of behaviours or attitudes in favor of a sustainable society, as well as 4. the work with this concept in the school environment. The challenge of promoting a culture of sustainability in schools highlights the relevance of transversal and permanent Environmental Education (EE) in pedagogical practices in basic education, as recommended by Brazilian legislation since 1980. In this context, combining EE with scientific education through citizen science can be conducive to the development of a critical view of the relationship between society and the environment. Thus, the objectives of the research were: 1. to evaluate the changes in the sustainability conceptions of participants of an intervention carried out in a online outreach course ("MaRemoto: the invasion of oceanic culture in schools" - PROEC-UFABC) and, 2. evaluate citizen science protocols with the theme of sustainability, built collaboratively by basic education teachers during a face-to-face outreach course (“Participatory Environmental Conservation in Schools” - PROEC-UFABC). To obtain the data referring to objective 1, questionnaires were applied, containing closed questions, before and after the training course and, for each question, a score was assigned, depending on the conceptions expressed in the alternatives, which were classified as "Naive". ”Plausible” and “Adequate”. The scores constituted what was called the attitudinal index. The questions represented the following dimensions: concept of sustainability, sustainable attitudes in everyday life, at school, in the city, in the classroom and at home. The results of the questionnaires were compared using the Wilcoxon paired test, which showed a decrease in attitudinal indices from the pre- to the post-questionnaire, in questions related to the definition of the concept, sustainable attitudes in daily life and at school. The study started from the hypothesis that there would be an increase in the global attitudinal index after the course, however, the decrease indicated a difficulty for the course participants to deconstruct the simplified concept of sustainability, as proposed in the theory of complex thinking by Edgar Morin. The indices of adequate statements significantly improved, but there was also a greater agreement with the naive statements in the post-questionnaire. Such results lead to the conclusion that the greater the proximity of the participants to the concept, the greater the confusion for identifying the presence of the pillars in the statements and, thus, statements that had only one pillar were considered adequate by the participants. It is recommended to review the intervention activities applied so that they address more clearly what was questioned in the statements of both questionnaires. To obtain the data referring to objective 2, intervention activities were carried out with the theme of sustainability and citizen science for the participants of the outreach course. The proposed final activity was the construction of a citizen science protocol. Seven protocols produced based on EA effectiveness indicators and complex thinking indicators were analyzed. The EE effectiveness indicators most present in the development of the protocols were the promotion of sustainability, society/nature integration and theoretical-practical association. The participatory planning indicator was not found in any of the protocols. Regarding the indicators of complex thinking, six of the seven analyzed protocols presented the category relevance, three of the seven analyzed protocols presented the categories flexibility and evolutionary sense. Some of the indicators of the effectiveness of EE present in the protocols could support the presence of the categories of flexibility and evolutionary sense of complex thinking. For this to occur, we emphasize the need to develop interdisciplinarity from a multidimensional perspective, which allows students to think, make sense and organize ideas in a contextualized way, linked to ecological, ethical and societal relationships. It is recommended that future studies be carried out using methodologies that can complement the results and conclusions obtained here, in particular, studies that verify the internal consistency of the questionnaires used, the use of different strategies during the intervention stage and the use of other data collection instruments that allow a more in-depth analysis of understandings about the concept of sustainability from the perspective of complexity.

Presidente - Interno ao Programa - 1762351 - NATALIA PIRANI GHILARDI LOPES
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 2312902 - SOLANGE WAGNER LOCATELLI
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - MARIA REJANE LIMA BRANDIM - UFPI
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 1364215 - MIRIAN PACHECO SILVA ALBRECHT
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - ROSANA LOURO FERREIRA SILVA - USP
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/04/2022 09:57
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