Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 10/07/2023
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Universidade do Minho

Sexuality and Gender in the school enviroment: a study In the Early Years of Elementary Education In Brazil and In the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in Portugal

PAGES: 257
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This doctoral study has as its theme the approach to sexuality and gender in schools, within the scope of Education for Sexuality (ES), in Brazil and Portugal. Despite advances in the debate about the importance of having ES in school curricula in these two countries, there is still some resistance in the area of Education to taking on ES work in a systematic way. The school is an important place for approaching and discussing sexuality and gender issues and, therefore, it is necessary for education professionals to understand the importance of this debate. Knowing that each country adopts a public policy within the scope of legislation and normative documents in ES, in the present investigation it was decided to carry out a parallel between the experience of Brazil and Portugal in relation to ES in a school’s environment. In Brazil, ES is not mandatory and lacks guidance on its approach in Basic Education, especially in the Early Years of Elementary Education (EYEE). In Portugal, ES is mandatory by law, guaranteeing a minimum number of hours per year from the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (1st CBE). In this sense, the objective of this thesis was to analyze whether the teachers of the Early Years of Elementary Education (EYEE) in Brazil recognize themselves as socially legitimated professionals to address the themes of sexuality and gender in the scope of Education for Sexuality (ES), tracing them a parallel with the experience of teachers of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in Portugal. For that, an action-research was carried out divided into three phases: diagnosis, action and evaluation. In the first phase, a documental analysis was carried out of guiding documents in ES at an international level and also of the legislation and normative documents of the two countries. In addition, a questionnaire with open and closed questions was also applied to teachers in both countries, with the aim of comparing the perception of these professionals regarding the approach to sexuality and gender with children. With the data collected in the questionnaires, a comparative statistical analysis was carried out between the answers from Portugal and Brazil. In the action phase, four Training Sessions (TS) were held with six EYEE teachers in Brazil, who answered the questionnaires, aiming at deepening the investigation in the country. In the evaluation phase, a Focus Group was held with teachers in Brazil to evaluate this training path. With the transcriptions of the audios in these last two phases, a Thematic Analysis (TA) was carried out. It was noticed, with the results and analyzes carried out in this research, that the teachers of Portugal tended to recognize a greater support of the legislation and own management of the Portuguese schools for the approach of sexuality and gender themes in the scope of the ES than Brazilian teachers. Teachers in Portugal also tended to feel more pedagogically and scientifically prepared in relation to sexuality and gender issues than teachers in Brazil. In addition, compared to teachers in Brazil, educators in Portugal perceive that they face fewer obstacles for the implementation of pedagogical activities or content related to ES. By deepening the investigation in the Action phase with teachers from Brazil, it was confirmed that they feel to have little or no legal support to address sexuality and gender issues with the children of EYEE. They also highlighted that there is a difficulty for the formative processes in ES to reach the school and, in addition, there is a lack of support from the school management. In this way, their pedagogical practices in ES are subject to individual decisions on when and how they can carry out activities in ES, sexuality and gender with the children. This path of individualization of responsibility for the approach to ES in the school environment in the figure of the teacher, which is built and reinforced in different instances of the educational structure in Brazil, can be an impediment for ES to happen systematically and be guaranteed to children of EYEE. In this sense, it is perceived that the performance and knowledge of teachers are influenced by different social dimensions, such as legal recognition, teacher training and recognition of different school actors, among others. These different dimensions, recognizing ES as an integral part of the school curriculum and the need to address sexuality and gender issues at school, especially at the EYEE teaching level, can contribute to the perception of legitimacy of teachers in working on these issues.

Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 1364215 - MIRIAN PACHECO SILVA ALBRECHT
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - MARIA DA GRAÇA FERREIRA SIMÕES DE CARVALHO - UMINHO
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - ANA CLÁUDIA BORTOLOZZI - UNESP
Membro Titular - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - MARIA FILOMENA RODRIGUES TEIXEIRA
Presidente - Externo à Instituição - ZÉLIA FERREIRA CAÇADOR ANASTÁCIO - UMINHO
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Interno ao Programa - 2044591 - FERNANDA FRANZOLIN
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - CÉLIA REGINA ROSSI - UNESP
Membro Suplente - Examinador(a) Externo à Instituição - NELSON MANUEL VIANA DA SILVA LIMA - UMINHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/05/2023 09:43
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