
The Territory Planning and Management Program aims to train professionals and researchers who will contribute to the gradual transformation of the culture of planning and territorial management towards a praxis that, at the same time, recognizes the presence of conflicts, the complexity of agendas and the historical inheritances of the pattern of development. It seeks to stimulate the approach of the territorial problems starting from a treatment that privileges the dialogue between the different disciplinary traditions, the interlocution with different actors of the spatial dynamics and of the planning, the critical and reflexive perspective supported by solid scientific knowledge and in ethical commitment.

Its faculty is formed by professors who attend to the multidisciplinary thematic that the approach in the area demands. Likewise, the program is interested in receiving graduates of different academic backgrounds and professional experiences, interested in deepening knowledge in planning and managing the territory. In view of this, it seeks to offer approaches that allow the student to have references of different readings of the territory, strengthening a reflexive and critical vision.

Beginning of the Master Course: 2011

Beginning of the Doctoral Degree: 2013

CAPES Evaluation: 5


Objectives of the Program

a) Contribute to the production of new knowledge in the area of concentration of the program: planning and management of the territories. Knowledge built in permanent articulation with the teaching, research and extension programs of the university, thus reinforcing the indissociability that should mark the presence of these dimensions of academic and scientific life;

b) To train professionals capable of acting in the planning and management of the territories in their multiple scales: metropolitan areas, cities, interior or depressed regions, rural areas, areas of environmental sensitivity. A training capable of stimulating and disseminating a conception of planning committed to the transformation of the pattern of development, in order to equate the deep inequalities and economic, social and environmental imbalances that mark the Brazilian space formation;

c) Train teachers and researchers in the area of planning and management of the territory in its multiple thematic diversity, contributing to the formation of new professionals, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels;

d) Actively participate - through projects of cooperation, exchanges, research programs and extension - of the configuration and strengthening of national and international social and scientific networks involving researchers and planners committed to the principles of the social function of cities, regional sustainability , transparency in the management of territories;

e) Stimulate the approach to territorial problems from a treatment that privileges: the dialogue between different disciplinary traditions (multidisciplinarity), the interlocution with different actors of spatial dynamics and planning (diversity), the critical and reflexive perspective supported by sound knowledge scientific and ethical commitment (autonomy and academic excellence).

Alternative Address

Program Coordination


    Telephone number: (00) 00000-0000

    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment

    E-mail: flavia.feitosa@ufabc.edu.br


    Telephone number: Not available at this moment

    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment

    E-mail: marcos.barcellos@ufabc.edu.br

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